Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Zimmer Ranch, Cactus, TX

These rather colourful cowboys are busy clipping the hooves of a donkey that has 'floundered' (sp?). Apparently, eating too much grass has caused its hooves to grow in a weird shape. Perhaps the equine equivalent of an ingrowing toe-nail?

The donkey was doing what comes naturally (eating grass), but since heavy rains have made the grass greener and richer than usual its all been a bit too 'munch' for the poor ass.
Still, it means the high plains have beautiful wildflowers still blooming and everything is looking lush. Normally it is just dried out yellow grassland. This is a field full of Indian Blankets.

The Zimmer ranch house was rebuilt 8 years ago after it was destroyed by wildfire.

The windmill tank is home to goldfish which feed off the algae and keep the water clear.

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