Sunday, July 8, 2007

Bugs and Beasties

early morning in Palo doro canyon brought out the locals..
Horny toad


I've yet to meet the elusive rattler!


Havedirt Willshare said...

Avoiding the rattler is a good thing. While at a softball game in the third grade, one of my friends was bit in the shin by a rattlesnake. She was rushed to the old St. Anthony's hospital where she barely survived the venomous bite. She lives with a scare that stretches from below her ankle to the top of her thigh.

If you want a photo just go to the Big Texan. They have several in captivity. Please, don’t go hunting for a rattlesnake to snap a photo! It’s not worth it:)


hey, dont worry tyler - i was joking:-)
But thanks for caring x